Lunar Perigees and Apogees Calculator
For the 8999-Year Span From 1000 AD to 9998 AD
Built Around the NASA/JPL Horizons API
PHP Program by Jay Tanner
Time Zone
Distance Units
Optional Location Label For the Given Time Zone
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ALL LUNAR PERIGEES AND APOGEES FOR THE YEAR 2025 ================================================ Time Zone UTC+00:00 Dates refer to the modern Gregorian calendar. =================================================================== EVENT Julian Date UTC Calendar Date Time UTC Dist. km ======= ================= =============== =========== ========== Perigee 2460683.504766889 2025-Jan-08-Wed 12:06:52 AM 370207.051 Apogee 2460696.703603703 2025-Jan-21-Tue 04:53:11 AM 404257.605 Perigee 2460708.609826467 2025-Feb-02-Sun 02:38:09 AM 367484.244 Apogee 2460724.545650312 2025-Feb-18-Tue 01:05:44 AM 404846.719 Perigee 2460736.384889685 2025-Mar-01-Sat 09:14:14 PM 361979.659 Apogee 2460752.185488010 2025-Mar-17-Mon 04:27:06 PM 405728.871 Perigee 2460764.721313572 2025-Mar-30-Sun 05:18:41 AM 358135.000 Apogee 2460779.439065472 2025-Apr-13-Sun 10:32:15 PM 406287.418 Perigee 2460793.174641833 2025-Apr-27-Sun 04:11:29 PM 357117.869 Apogee 2460806.522821131 2025-May-11-Sun 12:32:52 AM 406255.774 Perigee 2460821.560468785 2025-May-26-Mon 01:27:05 AM 359013.491 Apogee 2460833.941349826 2025-Jun-07-Sat 10:35:33 AM 405580.242 Perigee 2460849.692152197 2025-Jun-23-Mon 04:36:42 AM 363160.065 Apogee 2460861.600634720 2025-Jul-05-Sat 02:24:55 AM 404662.366 Perigee 2460877.074045599 2025-Jul-20-Sun 01:46:38 PM 368011.550 Apogee 2460889.358313123 2025-Aug-01-Fri 08:35:58 PM 404200.759 Perigee 2460902.253954901 2025-Aug-14-Thu 06:05:42 PM 369254.329 Apogee 2460917.150254298 2025-Aug-29-Fri 03:36:22 PM 404585.426 Perigee 2460929.012299817 2025-Sep-10-Wed 12:17:43 PM 364756.076 Apogee 2460944.911622683 2025-Sep-26-Fri 09:52:44 AM 405578.111 Perigee 2460957.031522891 2025-Oct-08-Wed 12:45:24 PM 359807.791 Apogee 2460972.488034311 2025-Oct-23-Thu 11:42:46 PM 406462.138 Perigee 2460985.440057775 2025-Nov-05-Wed 10:33:41 PM 356829.831 Apogee 2460999.628873865 2025-Nov-20-Thu 03:05:35 AM 406689.534 Perigee 2461013.967975268 2025-Dec-04-Thu 11:13:53 AM 356967.354 Apogee 2461026.764304316 2025-Dec-17-Wed 06:20:36 AM 406301.191 ======= ================= =============== =========== ========== EVENT Julian Date UTC Calendar Date Time UTC Dist. km ===================================================================
NOTES: [1] Occasionally a time-out may occur if the JPL Horizons server is temporarily unavailable or too busy and an error occurs. If such a crash or hang-up does occur, simply refresh and try again. There are times when it gets a bit glitchy and it can be tricky to determine if it's the program or the JPL server where the problem lies. Patience is key. [2] This lunar perigee and apogee ephemeris calculator spans some 8999 years from 1000 AD to 9998 AD. The program is written in PHP v7.4.9 and makes internal calls to the NASA/JPL Horizons API v1.1 [3] Julian Dates, Day Numbers and Calendar Dates: Julian Dates (JD) and Calendar Dates: JD < 2299160.5 = Refers to Old-Style Julian Calendar Dates JD >= 2299160.5 = Refers to Modern Gregorian Calendar Dates Dates up to 1582-Oct-04-Thu refer to the Julian calendar. Dates from 1582-Oct-15-Fri refer to the Gregorian calendar. The date following 1582-Oct-04-Thu was 1582-Oct-15-Fri, the official first date on our modern Gregorian calendar system. Technically speaking, there are no calendar dates in the range from 1582-Oct-05-Fri to 1582-Oct-14-Sun because those 10 dates were dropped from the calendar during the Julian to Gregorian calendar transition to bring dates of the seasons back into alignment with the sun and the rule for leap year was changed to prevent the previous calendar error from recurring. Given JD = General Julian Date, then the Julian Day Number corresponding to that date on the calendar is: JDNum = floor(JD + 0.5) The Julian Day Number is always a positive integer value serving as a unique serial number for every date on the calendar and holds the calendar date and the day of the week information. The Julian Date holds the calendar date and the day of the week with the fractional part holding the time of day information. For the day of the week (DoW) index corresponding to any Julian Date (JD), or Julian Day Number (JDNum), let the day of the week be indicated by a numerical index DoW in the range from 0=Sun to 6=Sat. DoW = (floor(JD + 0.5) + 1) mod 7 or DoW = (JDNum + 1) mod 7 Where DoW: 0=Sun, 1=Mon, 2=Tue, 3=Wed, 4=Thu, 5=Fri and 6=Sat The JDNum and DoW formulas apply to both the old Julian and the modern Gregorian calendar systems. [4] If a perigee or apogee event occurs near the beginning of a month, that month may have two perigees or two apogees, but never two of both. This is because the lunar orbital months, about 27.32 days, are shorter than the calendar months which range from 28 to 31 days. In some rare cases it is possible for February to have only one single event during the month such as only one perigee or one apogee and not both. [5] UT1 = Old Universal Time Scale (Solar Based). Old previous UT time scale used for years up to 1961. UTC = Coordinated Universal Time Scale (Atomic Based). Newer UT scale used from 1962 to date. World times are now based on this standard with leap seconds applied to maintain civil time, based on atomic time, in close sync with the mean sun. LT = Local Time for the given time zone based on the given +/− HH:MM offset. Time Zone Offset Convention: West of Greenwich, time zone offsets are negative. East of Greenwich, time zone offsets are positive. [6] Standard times are assumed. To adjust for Daylight Saving or Summer Time, add 1 hour to the standard times taking care to watch for any change of date -OR- subtract 1 hour from the time zone offset, which will automatically handle any date change. For example, the time zone offset for Eastern Standard Time (EST) is normally -5 hours. However, when Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) is in effect, use a time zone offset of -4 hours instead. The computed times will be in EDT and automatically handle any date changes. [7] There is an optional location label that can be applied to the computed table for reference. However, any label should match the indicated time zone so as to be accurate and make sense. The label can consist of any printable plain-text string and defaults to 'Greenwich' at Time Zone Offset UTC+00:00. [8] This program implements a cookie to store and recall the year and other interface settings between calls. It does not track, monitor or perform any other activity. If you navigate away and come back later, the interface settings stored in the cookie will be recalled from your last visit. Each call refreshes the cookie for up to 7 days recall. *************************************************************** *************************************************************** API VERSION: 1.1 API SOURCE: NASA/JPL Horizons API *************************************************************** Revised: July 31, 2013 Moon / (Earth) 301 GEOPHYSICAL DATA (updated 2018-Aug-15): ***************************************************************
Download PHP 7 Source Code For This Program
Program by Jay Tanner
Revised: Wednesday - August 03, 2022 at 23:24:51 UTC - PHP v7.4.9