PNG Images Rendered Against a Transparent Background

Lunar Images Rendered by Jay Tanner Using POV-Ray 3D Ray-Tracing Software

Each of these lunar phase image sets consists of 361 high-resolution, photo-realistic PNG images rendered against a transparent background at 1-degree intervals of phase from 0 to 360 degrees. 

These phase image sets are provided in several sizes:

Pixel Dimensions     Approximate File Size
----------------     ---------------------
    80 x 80                 4.09 meg
   128 x 128                3.98 meg
   192 x 192                8.40 meg
   256 x 256               13.85 meg
   512 x 512               47.87 meg
  1024 x 1024             187.17 meg

Unless otherwise indicated, all rendered images are released under the provisions of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

PHASE SET DOWNLOADS (With examples from each set)

Jay Tanner - 2022