Elements | |
JD | General JD number for given date, time and ΔT |
T | Time factor in Julian centuries reckoned from J2000.0, corresponding to JD |
DegToRad | This is a conversion factor used to convert degrees into equivalent radians. We multiply degrees by this factor to obtain the equivalent angle expressed in radians. Not every programming language has functions to convert between radians and degrees. |
w | Nutation series accumulator (arc seconds x 10000). |
w1 | Mean elongation of the moon from the sun. |
w2 | Mean solar anomaly. |
w3 | Mean lunar anomaly. |
w4 | Lunar argument of latitude. |
w5 | Longitude of ascending node of lunar orbit on the ecliptic as measured from the mean equinox of date. |
dPsiDeg | Nutation in ecliptical longitude expressed in degrees. |
Algorithm to compute nutation in ecliptical longitude (dPsiDeg) for a given JD argument.
PHP function to compute nutation in ecliptical longitude (dPsi) for a given JD argument.
CPP function to compute nutation in ecliptical longitude (dPsi) for a given JD argument.
VB.NET function to compute nutation in ecliptical longitude (dPsi) for a given
JD argument. © Jay Tanner - PHP Science Labs - 2025 - v1.6 | |