Local Dates and Times of the Equinoxes and Solstices For Any Gregorian Year From 1600 to 2200 and Local Time Zone PHP Program by Jay Tanner Based on the NASA/JPL DE405 Ephemeris Model and the NASA Polynomials For Delta T |
Dates and Local Standard Times of the Equinoxes and Solstices For Year 2025 Local Time Zone Offset UT-05:00 ============================================================================ Event Julian Date TT Date Time DoW Scale ================= ================ =========== ===== === ============ March Equinox 2460754.87727812 2025-Mar-20 09:03 Thu TT 2025-Mar-20 04:02 Thu Loc Std Time June Solstice 2460847.61346240 2025-Jun-21 02:43 Sat TT 2025-Jun-20 21:42 Fri Loc Std Time September Equinox 2460941.26406934 2025-Sep-22 18:20 Mon TT 2025-Sep-22 13:19 Mon Loc Std Time December Solstice 2461031.12792524 2025-Dec-21 15:04 Sun TT 2025-Dec-21 10:03 Sun Loc Std Time ============================================================================ NOTE: To adjust for daylight saving/summer time, add 1 hour to the local standard times being careful to watch for a possible change of date when doing so. Jay Tanner - 2025